Prefects 1966- 1967

Photo from Chris Halliburton – to anyone in 1967 year (also brother Ian from 1961, father George William Halliburton and uncle Edward Dishington from 1936 (?)).

Some of these young men were also involved in the Dramatic Society productions of Othello and Becket.

The late Ian Charleston is in the middle row.

1966-67 Prefects with Baillie T Ruthven



  1. Great memories of both time as a prefect and the plays (I was assistant stage manager to Mr Malkin as Stage Manager….memorable times

  2. I was in the same year as four of these students at the Junior School at Jocks Lodge in 1958-60 in ‘Willie’ Watson’s form.
    Alan Cottrell

    1. Hello Alan,

      If you or any of the other students have a photo of the 1958-60 ‘Willie’ Watson’s form perhaps you could send it to the club secretary Alex Prentice who can forward it to me.

      Will Dunnett

  3. Good memories of sharing choir times and performances with Messrs Strang, Rose and Charleson (RIP).
    And FP rugby times with Douglas Currie. He escaped to make biscuits in Australia. One of us played on past a fiftieth birthday and joined a choir (Strathendrick Singers, Killearn) 8 years ago – back to Fabre Requiem, Cantique de Jean Racine and Rutter Magnificat this term.

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