Did you visit RAF Leconfield?

1729 ATC at RAF Leconfield, 1963 with Lightning aircraft. Flight Lt Somerville, Flight Sergeants Colvine and Lang. With thanks to Alistair Allanach of our parent club for the photo.


  1. I recognize mr “Dave” Sommerville our history teacher! Long Time!
    Andrew McKissock

    1. G’day Andy,lost touch with you when you moved to S.A many years ago,where are you living now? Cheers Gordon

      1. Hi Gordon, I stayed in s.a. for 49 years. Absolutely LOVED it. Was a perfect fit for me. I’ve recently moved to London as s.a. is pretty out of control and dangerous now! My number in London is 044+ (0)7789957223. Just had my 74th birthday! Let’s touch base? Andy

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