The Royal High School Club in London’s Annual Dinner on the 8th of March 2024

20 attendees assembled in the Function Room of the Davys at St James wine bar in Pall Mall for the 2024 dinner.  A party of 5 had travelled down from Edinburgh by train for the event: Head Teacher Pauline Walker, Depute Head Teacher Jen Menzies, School Captain Melissa Thomson and School Vice-Captains Cameron Allan and Marcus Illingworth.  Once again the chef excelled himself and the smoked haddock and chive fishcakes, the rump and sirloin steaks and the British cheese plate were popular choices.   Melissa Thomson addressed the gathering with a well-researched summary of the year from her perspective.  There is clearly a lot happening at the school and Melissa did well to cover this in her 10-minute review.   Pauline Walker gave us another up-beat report about school life stressing the effort that is made to create an environment where every pupil can take part and develop.   With a growing school pupil community numbering around 1,500 it is certainly a challenge to ensure that every pupil is encouraged and cared for.   After we had all given a rousing rendition of Vivas Schola Regia Club President Richard Steedman brought this very enjoyable evening to a close.

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