Group photo from Annual Dinner April 2022

Annual Dinner April 2022

Our 2022 annual dinner was held in the elegantly furnished Board Room at the Davys at St James wine bar in Crown Passage, Pall Mall and in a change to our usual format the dress code was informal. Before dinner we heard a short presentation about the Davys wine business and the wines that we had chosen to accompany our meal. Our excellent dinner was based on classic British dishes and after dinner we sat back to hear speeches from David Robb and Val Peay. David recounted amusing tales about his appearance in the latest Downton Abbey film ‘Downton Abbey: A New Era’ and Val had some interesting observations from a recent trip to the Caribbean and Florida. At the end of the evening we raised a toast to Al Senter who sadly passed away a few days before the dinner. The attached photo is not of good quality but you can still see that it was an intimate event which was greatly enjoyed by all.

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