George Lunn’s Royal High School film and photo archive

Dear friends, A belated Happy New Year from the Royal High School Club in london and I hope this finds you well. This is to let you know that George Lunn (RHS 1963-68) has sent us some film and photos from his days at the old Royal High School on Regent Road. These days George […]

Izuka Hoyle wins the 2022 Scottish Bafta for best Female Film Actor

News about Izuka Hoyle from our Edinburgh Club FP Website – Izuka Hoyle (leaving year 2012), featured as one of our ‘Modern’ biographies – wins the best Film Actress award at the Scottish Baftas on Sunday 20th November. Find out more on the News Blog of the RHS Edinburgh FP Club.

The Royal High School Club in London – pre-Christmas drinks party

The Royal High School Club in London is hosting an informal pre-Christmas drinks party at the Iron Duke pub, 11 Avery Row, Mayfair, London W1K 4AN on Tuesday 6th of December from 6:30 p.m. until around 9:00 p.m. The Iron Duke is the traditional Fuller’s pub in the heart of the West End where we […]