Annual Dinner 2020

We returned to the historic RAF Club in Piccadilly for our Annual Dinner on Friday 13th March with Dinner served at 7.30 p.m. in the elegant Presidents’ Room.

Sadly Jock Dewar died earlier this year, and the following audio clip of him talking was played at the dinner –

Our guest speaker was Royal High former pupil, choirmaster and occasional composer Bill Strang who reflected on musical life at the school and how that influenced his subsequent career. Bill was a pupil at the Royal High’s Regent Road campus under the tutelage of the respected organist and composer William Bowie. His career took him to the Open University where, as well as contributing to the production of distance learning courses, he has conducted the excellent OU Choir for many years. Bill reflected on the projects he undertook at the OU working alongside, among others, the famous English composer John Rutter.

Take a look at some of our other gallery photos –