George Lunn’s Royal High School film and photo archive

Dear friends,

A belated Happy New Year from the Royal High School Club in london and I hope this finds you well. This is to let you know that George Lunn (RHS 1963-68) has sent us some film and photos from his days at the old Royal High School on Regent Road. These days George is a chemist working for the US Food and Drug Administration but in his school days he was on hand with his cine camera to capture the last few hours at Regent Road before the school moved en masse to Barnton – you can see George’s film by clicking on the link below.

George has also supplied some excellent still shots of the school’s 1968 production of Dürrenmatt’s tragic comedy The Physicists which was a groundbreaking joint production with girls from James Gillespie’s. There are also some stills from Hamlet, Waiting for Godot and The Shooting of Dan Magrew. To see these photos click on the link below.

George also captured stills of the mock election in 1967. This was the occasion when Simon Card drove into the school playground in a horse-drawn carriage in a memorable act of one-upmanship. You can experience the election fever for yourself by clicking on the link below.

While you are on the web site check out the programmes for the big stage musicals that were staged between 2007 and 2010: We Will Rock You, High School Musical and Hairspray.

Lastly, thanks to Will Dunnett for all his hard work maintaining our Royal High School Club in London web site.

Best Regards,

Alex Prentice

Hon. Secretary

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