Richard and Paul at our winter drinks

Our New President

Dear Royal High School Club in London members

As you know Paul Fleming (RHS 2003) has served as President of the Club since 2018 and his period of office has exceeded the normal President’s term of 3 years. Paul served throughout the pandemic when there were no face to face Club events from March 2020 to December 2021 and we are grateful for Paul’s contribution through that difficult period. Paul also brought many new faces along to our club events.

I am glad to say that Richard Steedman (RHS 1981) has agreed to serve as our new President and Richard’s first outing as President will be the Annual Dinner on Friday the 3rd of March 2023 at the Davy’s at St James wine bar. Richard is a busy man who works as an engineering consultant, sings in a top-class choir and also serves as a steward of the Clockmaker’s Livery Company in the City of London. I am sure that the Royal High School Club in London will benefit from his wide range of interests.

I am also pleased to inform you that Eric Steedman (RHS 1984) has agreed to become a member of our committee. Eric works for the leading pensions consultancy Willis Towers Watson in a management role and I know he will make a valuable contribution to our work.

Alex Prentice

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