Miss Roy’s class Primary 5a from 1961 or 1962. With Chris Pountain, John Rennie, Brian Johnson, James Dunnett, Crawfurd Adamson et al. Any comments, please use the box below. Chris Pountain has named everyone in the photo, Scroll down to see ..
The names are: Top Row (left to right) Alan McKay, Ian McLachlan, Michael Halcrow, James Dunnett, David Stephen, Alan Buchan, Ross Phillip,s David McGill, Alan Harper, Alan Nisbet. Middle Row (left to right) Martin Hill, Duncan Murray, Roy Ross, John Smellie, Graham Edmondson, Charles Robertson, Derek Tripp, David Gray, Roderick Anderson, Michael Oxley, Alasdair Hunter, John Rennie, Christopher (as was!) Pountain, David Donald. Front Row (from left to right) Brian Johnston, Graeme Baillie, Melville Rankine, Alasdair Walton, Keith Hatfield, Ian Ritchie, Lindsey Watson, Nigel Tyre, David Moffat, Crawfurd Adamson, Graham Holton, Gary Thomson, Derek Livingstone.
As to what happened to them, I used to occasionally bump into some of them around Edinburgh up to the late 70s (e.g. Halcrow became a teacher and Moffat worked at the Halifax) but don’t believe I have seen any since. Al Senter though knows more about some of them. Chris
Gary Thomson became a surgeon. Don’t know what he is doing now.
Crawfurd Adamson is one of the UK’s foremost artists – Will
Miss Roy
Miss Barbara E Roy M.A. retired in 1970 having taught at the school for 24 years. This paragraph is from Schola Regia –
Miss Roy can be seen in the photo of her 1960 class.
I would like to contact Keith Hatfield. I was at RHS from 1967 to 1971
John levey
Barbara Ewing Roy, b. Falkirk, died in 1981, Leith, aged 75.
This couldn’t possibly be the Miss Roy that taught me at the RHS primary school in 1949-50, followed by Mr. Steele.
Norman, Miss Roy taught at the primary school from 1946 until she retired in 1970. Apparently she had 42 years service in education, although we don’t know where else she taught. Alastair Allanach of the Edinburgh FP club has kindly provided this information along with a copy of a Schola Regia article about her retirement. I will post it on the website. I was in her class in 1960 and remember her as a very good teacher.
Still above ground. Is “Alan” Harper not Andrew?
He certainly is!